Sunday, October 11, 2015

Media picks, September 17 - October 11

Health & Balance

1. A must read. All of it.

Relationships, Communications

2. Happy people vs. empathy:

…people who are generally cheerful are not so great at reading other
people's negative emotions, though what's especially interesting is
that they think they're very good at it.

3. 10 psychology studies every lover (or just human) should know. #6, 7, 8, and 10 are about healthy relationships in general.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Media picks, Aug 23 - Sept 16

Health & Balance

1. According to the new research, sleep position might affect how efficiently the brain clears waste. The article includes an illustration of the recommended pose.

2. An alarming article on what insomnia might mean and what the lack of sleep can lead to. Bottomline: get enough sleep, no matter what — it will either save you from a neurodegenerative disorder or delay its onset.

3. Keeping a (kind of) one-sentence journal will make you happier.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Blog news & media picks for Jul 19 - Aug 22

Hi there. Since the last post I've finished (!!!) 2 guides:

  1. How to use (free) Trello to speed up your personal projects and learning. A long one.
  2. Tiny tricks that do wonders. A relevantly short one.

But the biggest one is still coming. And growing unmanageably…

Media picks from the last ~30 days:

I. Health & Balance

3. What it’s like to have ADHD as a grown woman

Turns out, symptoms can be different for women.

II. Maker Skills, People Skills

4. A great health check for the quality of your learning & habit development: 

What have I changed about myself in the past 12 months?


5. Self-knowledge: an advanced version of MBTI test, with clear and well-structured explanations (Strengths & Weaknesses, Friendships, Career Paths)

Labeling can be limiting, tests can be unreliable, but while reading my profile I got reminded of some of the weaknesses and strengths I'd long lost awareness of, which has been helpful in my decision-making as of lately. Try it, that test isn't time-consuming. And is free.

6. Life of introverts, in graphs.

7. Science says that lonely people's brains work differently:

When people feel most alone, these results suggest their brains are not tuned in to smiles and laughter, they’re switched on to frowns and snarls — they’re vigilantly looking out for negativity without really knowing it.

III. Goodness

8. It's the end of summer already and the air is getting cold, so… this.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Media picks, July 8-18

I. Health & Balance

1. Drop the "shoulds". A partial replacement for "have no expectations" guideline in Buddhism.

2. "for those high in neuroticism, higher frequency of fermented food consumption was associated with fewer symptoms of social anxiety" (via psychotherapy).

II. Writing Skills

3. The most freeing, encouraging writing guidelines I've seen: Neil Gaiman's 8 rules of writing. Go well with "Start telling the stories that only you can tell." I even set both links as a weekly calendar reminder.

III. Maker Skills, People Skills

4. A new classification of introverts. 4 types (can be mixed). Comes with a self-identification quiz. 

5. (pdf) A brief template for figuring out what job/project to choose.

6. A mindmap for dealing with procrastination. “Goals are like pets… Feed and nurture them… Take action on your goals every day… If you neglect them they’ll die.”

IV. Goodness

7. What it’s like to be profoundly face-blind in NYMag's Science of Us column (via intotheprocess):
I'm always looking for visual hooks. My daughter has a particular thing she does with her mouth. If there’s several people who could be her, I look for the mouth thing. If she's nervous, or she's irritated, one side of her mouth goes up. She's done it since she was a baby. She doesn't like having her photograph taken, so when I look at a group photo, I look for the kid with the smirk and I know it’s my daughter.

…And some blog news: 
  • There is now email subscription available.
  • About page now has an email address listed.
  • And most importantly, I have 2 "real" posts drafted already (one of them is actually a how-to, so extensive that it has a table of contents!), they are coming soon.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Media picks, May 19 - Jul 7

I. Health, Balance & Security


1. Surprising lists of what & how interferes with absorption of vitamin B1 (thiamine) and advice on how to decrease that effect.

2. A handy table of vitamin B12 absorption rates. Speaking of supplements that contain 1000%+ of recommended daily intake.

I have a great respect for vitamins B for the simple reason that I get 100% less neurotic when I get enough of them.

3. 5 tips for better posture (are under the image #2). And yes, "sitting for long periods can lead to the gluteal muscles atrophying" (includes an image of where they all are located).

Oh, and as for the tip #1, shoulder roll is demonstrated here (free registration is required). That thing just works — brings immediate relief to the shoulders and keeps them "open" for quite a while.

Warmth & speeding up:

2/3 of the money I made in June was mostly thanks to

4. The Heavy - What Makes A Good Man (Radio Edit)

on repeat, in the headphones or as an ambient noise (headphones lying nearby — works well in case of a particular level of exhaustion; is non-intrusive, but still has a speeding-up effect). Radio edit version has an immediate fast start, that’s why its "speeding up" effect is much stronger compared to the original.

…and the remaining 1/3 was facilitated by

5. Handel - Messiah (1959, Thomas Beecham) - CD3.

CD3 has a warming-up and hope-inducing effect, and #4 in it is also energizing. And I’m not into religion.

II. Maker Skills, People Skills

6. A small book called The Go-Giver. Is an addition to the list of great edu books.

I believe it was recommended by someone big & startup-related, but by now I can't track down where I saw it…

III. Writing Skills

7. Spring 2015' issue of The Paris Review: an interview with Lydia Davis.