I. Health & Balance
1. This is big: new research shows that saturated fat is bad for your cognitive skills & memory and monounsaturated fat is good. And, apparently, polyunsaturated fat has no effect whatsoever.2. A TEDx talk (~19 min.) on self-compassion and, particularly, self-esteem vs. self-compassion (I posted its one-paragraph version on tumblr) by Kristin Neff (Ph.D.), who is an author of the pretty popular book I've seen great quotes from, Self-Compassion.
3. Beware social nostalgia. Get rid of your one-dimensional view of the past and you will be able to grow. "…memories, like witnesses, do not always tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."
II. People Skills & Maker Skills
4. You are an experience. Fits into "be the change you want to see in the world" concept.5. Patti Smith: Advice to the young (6 min.).
6. Miranda July makes 2 great points about artists' relationships with fans. Plus some fun.